Every donation helps us take another step towards engineering long-term sustainable solutions for the communities we are engaged in.
Your support matters and you can choose between donating a gift of any amount, giving a gift certificate and more. It is now also possible to support us with monthly recurring donations.
One-time payments
On our donation page you can choose between paying with Swish, credit card or Google Pay. Please make sure to select the “One-time” (or “Ge ett bidrag”) option!
Quick and easy donations to our 90-account
To make a donation of any amount you can use either of these two methods:
Deposit a gift on our Plusgiro: 900684 - 2
Make a deposit on our Bankgiro: 900-6842
Use the Swish QR code here for quick and direct payment to our 90-account.
Our Swish number is: 123-900 68 42
Please note that you will not receive a “thank you” note automatically if you use this option.
If you want a certificate or receipt, please contact us on communication@ewb-swe.org
Anonymous donations
Some donators prefer to donate anonymously. This is of course possible by using our regular bank account below and omitting any personal details, plus writing ANONYMOUS in the voluntary information space. We respect our donors wish to remain anonymous.
Our Nordea bank account number is: 9960 4209006842
Give a membership in EWB-SWE as a gift!
Give a gift of impact this year! By gifting a membership to Engineers Without Borders Sweden, you’re empowering someone to contribute to sustainable development and make a difference in communities around the world. Perfect for professionals, students, and anyone passionate about engineering for a better future.
Click on the link below and follow the steps.
Support our current Water and Sanitation in Schools project
This winter, Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-SWE) and the Tanzanian organisation Mavuno Project are intensifying efforts to ensure access to clean water and safe sanitation for primary schools in Karagwe and Kyerwa districts, Tanzania. Our collaboration, spanning over a decade, aims to create long-term solutions to water and sanitation challenges faced by schools, ultimately improving the educational experience for around 80,000 children.
Learn more about earlier focus projects
Our WASH projects
Our girls’ school project
Water is essential for life, yet millions of people around the world still lack access to safe and reliable water sources. Read more below about three of our WASH projects, each aiming to improve the quality of life and health in their respective communities.
CHILE – Water cleaning and wastewater project in Valparaíso. We are working on a comprehensive water cleaning and wastewater project.
BANGLADESH – Water cleaning project in Goaldihi Village. Our project focuses on improving water quality through effective cleaning processes.
TANZANIA – Open school for pregnant and mothering students in Tumaini. We are supporting the schools access to clean water which is crucial for the health and education of these young women and their children.
This year we are continuing our focus on education for girls. Please support us in our mission to build a high-school for girls in rural Tanzania. So please, support education for girls this year – because it matters!
Read more about the fantastic Mavuno Project here, meet the school girls, the founder and the principal of the school. We guarantee that you will be inspired. There is info in both Swedish and English about our school project.
Select by marking your gift “SCHOOL”
A donation that makes a difference
Make a corporate donation
Join us to make a powerful and lasting impact. Make a donation, become a corporate supporter or get involved in a long-term partnership. Welcome to contact us to discuss ideas how to get involved. Please contact our Secretary General Caroline Edelstam on caroline.edelstam@ewb.swe.org
For corporate donations you can either select a payment method above, or ask us for an invoice. We will be happy to create a gift certificate for you if you wish.
Ge ett gåvobevis
Our gift certificates help raise awareness on our cause while supporting our mission. Personalize your gift card with your own greeting.
Please contact us for assistance and support with gift certificates and similar documents, on communication@ewb-swe.org
More Ways to Give
Ge en minnesgåva till någon speciell person som brydde sig om vår sak.
Samla in pengar med oss
Samla din familj och dina vänner för att ansluta dig till ditt mål att skapa en hållbar framtid för alla.
Givande av arv
Ditt arv kan göra skillnad för samhällen runt om i världen med en donation till EWB-SWE i ditt testamente.
Privacy Policy
By your payment, you agree that your personal data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy.
Feel free to contact us at communication@ewb-swe.org if you have any questions or concerns about your donation.
Som en självberoende organisation förlitar vi oss på finansiering från våra supportrar för att förverkliga vårt uppdrag. Ekonomiskt stöd möjliggör ett långsiktigt engagemang och för oss att planera och prioritera vår verksamhet i Sverige och utomlands. Med din hjälp kan vi genomföra projekt som tillgodoser grundläggande behov i samarbete med lokala icke-statliga organisationer och som kan arbeta i samma geografiska område under lång tid för att följa upp resultaten från våra projekt.
Vi strävar efter att så mycket som möjligt av våra medel ska gå till vår verksamhet i Sverige och internationellt. Vi arbetar hårt för att se till att våra resurser når projekten effektivt och för att säkerställa största möjliga effekt för de samhällen vi engagerar oss i. År 2022 gick hela 81 % av våra intäkter till våra internationella projekt och inhemska aktiviteter
EWB-SWE arbetar mot flera väletablerade fokusområden. Vi kommer att använda din donation där behoven är som störst. Beslutet baseras på de behov som identifierats internt efter en genomgripande process och i diskussion med våra lokala samarbetspartners vid internationella projekt.
EWB-SWE har godkänts av Skatteverket som Gåvomottagare (godkända stödmottagare). Detta innebär att du som givare till vår ideella organisation kan ansöka om en skattereduktion på upp till 2 000 kronor per år. För att ingå i underlaget för skattereduktion måste din gåva vara på minst 200 kronor och du bör bifoga ditt svenska personnummer till din gåva för att vi ska kunna deklarera den till myndigheten.
På Skatteverkets webbplats hittar du mer information om vad skattereduktion innebär och vilka villkor som gäller för att få skattereduktion.