We want to make it easy to share
Both companies and individuals ask us how they can spread the word about our projects and our mission with the purpose to raise awareness, raise funds and engage members and volunteers for our organisation. In response to this we have added various marketing resources on this that you are free to download, use and share.
We will keep adding useful digital resources, so please come back later as well, to find new materials. Are you looking for something special? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on communication@ewb-swe.org to request the materials you need.
From our Winter Campaign
Winter Campaign texts
Vår vinterkampanj fokuserar på WASH i skolor
Our Winter Campaign focuses on WASH in schools
ENGLISH Copy text about our winter campaign that you can use:
SWEDISH Copy text att använda vid behov i er kommunikation:
Julen närmar sig och med den möjligheten att ge något mer än bara julklappar. Genom att stödja Ingenjörer utan gränser kan du bidra till att skapa långsiktiga, hållbara lösningar som gör skillnad för människor i utsatta områden världen över.
Ingenjörer utan gränser (EWB-SWE) är en ideell organisation som arbetar för att lösa konkreta tekniska utmaningar i utvecklingsländer med hjälp av svenskt ingenjörskunnande.
Vi samarbetar med lokala partners och bistår med kunskap och resurser för att förbättra tillgången till bland annat rent vatten, sanitet och hälsovård.
Genom våra projekt bidrar vi till hållbar utveckling i de länder där vi verkar. Allt arbete sker i linje med FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål. Vi har 90-konto, och din gåva går oavkortat till våra projekt på plats.
Vi hoppas att du vill vara med och bidra till vårt arbete, så att vi tillsammans kan skapa en hållbar framtid för många fler!
As the festive season approaches, it brings a unique opportunity to give something more meaningful than just presents. By supporting Engineers Without Borders Sweden, you can help create long-term, sustainable solutions that truly make a difference for people in vulnerable communities worldwide.
We are a non-profit organisation committed to addressing practical engineering challenges in developing countries by sharing Swedish engineering expertise.
In collaboration with local partners, we provide knowledge and resources to improve access to essentials like clean water, sanitation, and healthcare.
Through our projects, we actively support sustainable development in the regions where we work, all in alignment with the UN's Global Sustainable Development Goals.
We hold a 90-account, so you can trust that your contribution goes directly to our projects on the ground.
We hope you’ll join us in this mission, so together, we can create a sustainable future for many more!
Please note that all images here can be downloaded from our Dropbox file with this button below >>
Christmas campaign – Instagram format images
Wide format for Linkedin and Facebook
Animations with stars/snowflakes
Links to copy & paste:
DONATION PAGE: https://support.ewb-swe.org/b/my-donation
Our Summer Campaign Water is Life
Help Us Provide Safe and Reliable Water for Communities in Need. Join our Summer Fundraising Campaign: Water is Life!
Below, you can find a link to our campaign video on YouTube. You are most welcome to share it! To the right, you will find our campaign image, which you are also encouraged to download and share. We have also included links to our campaign page and donation page for sharing. We truly appreciate your support in spreading this important message and helping us to aid communities in need.
Link to campaign video on youtube
Campaign JPG in landscape format
Campaign JPG in Square format
Links to copy & paste:
YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/h4EteZpuHPg
CAMPAIGN PAGE: https://www.ewb-swe.org/summer2024
DONATION PAGE: https://support.ewb-swe.org/b/my-donation
Information about EWB-SWE in various formats
Instagram format png image
The text says “To us, engineering for humanity means empowering communities, building a sustainable future”. The QR code leads to the EWB-SWE website.
Facebook format PNG image
The text says “To us, engineering for humanity means empowering communities, building a sustainable furure”. The QR code leads to the EWB-SWE website.
Foldable tripage as PDF
This foldable PDF comes in three colors, and can easily be folded to stand on a desk or counter. It features info about how to become a member and how to donate.