Bringing Light to Education – Fundraising for Solar Panel Installation

We are excited to share the latest update on our ongoing project to support the Mavuno boarding school for girls in Tanzania. The solar panels have arrived at the school and we are now fundraising for the installation of the solar panels.

Since 2016, Mavuno has operated a secondary school (grades 8-11) that has become a great hope and education for many girls in the region. About half of the students attend through a scholarship program, enabling girls from financially disadvantaged backgrounds, including orphans, to pursue their education

The boarding school provides a safe environment, protecting the girls from potential assaults during commutes at dawn and dusk. The school has a stellar performance in the 2023 national exams, ranking first in Karagwe and 36th out of over 5,000 schools in Tanzania.

A Vision for the Future

Mavuno is now expanding the school to include grades 12 and 13, preparing students for university. This expansion requires reliable electricity, as the local Tanzanian grid is both unstable and costly. To address this, we have procured a photovoltaic (PV) system comprising 60 solar panels (30kW total), inverters, and batteries. These components have already been purchased and delivered, as highlighted in the images in our newsletter.

The Next Step: Installation Fundraising 

The next critical phase is the installation and commissioning of the solar panels. A local company will handle this work, with Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-SWE) providing procurement assistance and financial support. We are now fundraising for this stage and need your help to bring this project to completion.

Why Your Support Matters  💚

The solar panel installation is not just about providing electricity; it's about ensuring that these bright young minds have the resources they need to succeed. Stable electricity will enhance the learning environment, enabling the use of modern educational tools and resources. It will also reduce the school's operational costs, allowing more funds to be directed towards student scholarships and educational materials.

Join Us in Making a Difference!

Your contribution can make a significant impact. By supporting the installation of the solar panels, you are helping to create a sustainable and empowering learning environment for the girls at Mavuno School. Together, we can ensure that these students continue to excel and prepare for a brighter future.

Thank you for your continued support and generosity!

Let's bring light to education and help these girls achieve their dreams. Donate Now to support the solar panel installation at Mavuno School. Every contribution brings us one step closer to our goal. For more updates and information on our projects, please visit the support us page on our website or subscribe to our newsletter.